Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sex with a trans

That evening I was a little down, as usual, and I went walking around town with no clear destination. I passed the sign of a new restaurant recently opened on a road little frequented: the room was called "Blue Moon".
I decided to go berm and a shot of something, I was tired of walking and I wanted to sit a while.
The restaurant inside was atmosphere, quiet, with blue neon lights kept low to allow a certain shade, tables arranged on one side and a classic bar with stools, behind which there were the usual shelves on which were resting several bottles of alcohol.
On the walls you could see strange abstract paintings vaguely reminiscent of bodies clinging to each other.
The atmosphere seemed very comfortable and cozy and made me feel immediately at ease, so I went very naturally to the counter where I sat on a stool to get a drink.
I was sipping my drink when I noticed a woman a few feet from me, standing at the bar talking to her friend, laughing. This woman hit me now and then, in the room stood out as a bright spot amid the dark, and I stared at him in a not too discreet. Unexpectedly, she noticed my eager eyes and smiled at me, coming up to me. He was quite tall, wavy brown hair, brown eyes very bright and beautiful lips, to say nothing of his legs wrapped in a pair of fishnet stockings.
She and her friend sat next to me, one right and one left, I was embarrassed to say the least, I hoped not to have made a terrible figure.
"Hello, nice" tells me the woman who had kidnapped my eyes.
"Hello ..." I replied sheepishly.
"Do not worry," her friend tells me "we are not two-thinking bigots who are indignant eager for a look, you are a man and it is in your nature."
"Thank goodness, there's around gentaccia" I said.
"We have not presented" my fairy said "my name is Michael but everyone calls me Miky"
"And my name is Gloriana, and you instead are you?"
"What a beautiful name Angelo, reminds me of a character in a show that I was a boy enamored. Can I call you Angel?" Miky said, laughing.
"If you care about is good, why not. I feel good, you said" a boy "?" I said almost innocently, then I noticed his very large hands.
"Yes, you heard right, and I hope that is not a problem for you because I do not tolerate racism and I know when I take to be very violent.!
"No, of course not, I do not discriminate against anyone, for me are all the same"
"Bravo to our Angel. Miky, I told you that he was a ok at first sight and I was right"
"I do not say how much trouble as a boy, feeling like a woman in a male body, but luckily now I'm comfortable with myself."
"You Angel, tell us a little about yourself, you're engaged, you're homo or hetero-six?" Gloriana said with a mischievous look.
"I'm single and straight"
"Ah yes, you're straight?" Really? " Miky looked at me astonished.
"Well, maybe a little bit bisexual, but I never had any experience, I do not think I could."
"Why? You embarrassed?" I am of the opinion that in life you try and know yourself. "
"It 's an opportunity that has never happened to real and I do not feel like looking for it."
"Well Miky, stepped forward for baptism, you are very good," said Gloriana ridendosela.
"From Glo, do not be rough as usual, who knows what we go!"
"But no, I appreciate the spontaneity, then joking, are not the type who misunderstand, you are safe, and then you're a woman now and not be gay mica experience with you," I said smiling. I felt that I was going to get an erection, I had two beautiful women at his side and then the exclamation of Gloriana had stimulated me some dirty little thought.
"No, Glo is not joking when he says things like, may seem ironic, but the things he says are often serious matters. And then I chose not to act, in short not to give up my" Oliver, "I'm too afraid that the 'intervention goes wrong and then I lose the ability to have orgasms, and women are not physically at 100%. "
I had a nice hard cock now and the last words almost lost touch with reality so much excitement that I came to learn that the beautiful woman Michael had kept his bird. It was years since I excited at the thought of doing a trans, it was my favorite class in pornography.
"I am a person who likes to be free, and have fun with those who want, and you're cute Angel, if you want to have fun with me you must not be ashamed."
"Miky is a bit like a hippy in some ways, I love free sex, and I assure you then that is very good, I can certify myself!"
"I do not know, things like that I've never tried and frankly I have a bit scared, but they are attracted ..."
"If you're afraid to hurt you do not have to worry about," Miki said, "if you are calm and relaxed and you are at the disposal of oil can go smoothly."
"Miki is very experienced in these things, if you knew how many men has begun. Remember when you used margarine?"
"I was 14 at the time! Believe are justified."
I was undecided, I was afraid to suffer a lot, I had heard bad stories about it.
"I do not know, I'm undecided, I confess that the idea excites me very much, but I do not know ..."
"Hey Angel, I like you and if you like we can have sex safely, but I warn you, I do not like to stop half done so if I say yes, you are going through. I am a very sweet person in bed, you moisten the little hole with my tongue and then I would give you many basins where you want. "
In that sentence, and especially after finding that Miky not joking my libido went through the roof and almost forgot my fears.
"How is your" Oliver "?" I asked, forgetting the speech by Michael fattomi.
"Uh, a real treat believe me" let out Gloriana.
Michael gave her friend a dirty look and replied to the question.
"I'll tell you, many men go around to say" I've got to 23-24 cm, one would think that the national average is the "rise" but I'm honest, mine is 19 cm and is quite often .
I tried to imagine in the mind of her pretty hard member, I wanted, I wanted to prove to myself. "
"Thank God you're not is made, otherwise I would not have ever gotten the chance to taste it"
"So have you decided? Do you really want to sleep with me?"
After that we chat for a few minutes, then settled our accounts and we headed towards the car of Gloriana, as we target the home of Michael. During the trip I was sitting in the back seat along with Michael who wanted to check with Starmie next hand my equipment.
The home of Michael was a small apartment on the top floor of a building, all decorated with pink leopard in his bedroom was a whimsical heart-shaped bed.
Gloriana told us he would not have bothered, but wanted to attend the scene, perhaps playing alone. I was more excited to levels never experienced before.
Me and Miky we lay on the bed, she began to touch me, I caressed her breasts hard, then took off my shirt and bra and licked her nipples, then reached out his hand between her legs and felt a pleasant swelling squeezed between hands. After a few moments he began to undress, I took off everything, then got out of bed remains motionless for a moment to admire my body, then undressed her, too.
Its member tyrannized, hard and erect shaft was perfectly straight with a beautiful chapel and it was swollen very often, especially at the base. I returned the concern of pain, a tool like that in my little hole virgin would surely have brought a lot of pain.
Miky must have sensed my thoughts, perhaps because they admired her gorgeous do it with wonder mixed with fear because with serene look winked at me and told me to feel comfortable and that eventually I would not think of anything.
He approached me with the pelvis, giving me the opportunity to see the dick, I took him in hand, it was really hard and often, smanettai him, I had never handled a pea that was not mine and the sensazioen tried was a bit unusual. I was a little awkward though excited.
Gloriana meanwhile witnessed the scene, had pulled up her skirt, he had her panties and began to absently touch.
Michael came up to me, lay on me and started kissing me on the neck and then on the chest and down to my penis looking hard for a while and I sucked it very well but were very careful not to stimulate me too, apparently did not want make me come so soon, had something else for me in Serbian.
He went back up and kissed me on the mouth, while I keyboards hard breasts and pinched her nipples. I whispered ear to relax because this was the best experience of my life, then everything began to kiss and stroke her with his soft hands. The thing I relaxed a little and she perhaps noting my relaxation reached out to the bedside and picked up a vial, then told me to turn around and not to worry, I was excited and began to feel the desire to feel inside me Miky, I tried to relax more and think of the words sussurratemi some time before your ear.
I went to the little hole, I spread her buttocks and began to lick it all with his sharp tongue, the sensation I felt was really nice, he also began to engage with the hole allowing it to enter one or two centimeters. I was excited and had my cock hard, I felt as if about to explode. It is sprinkled with two fingers of the lubricant that was in the vial and then slowly slipped me. The slide in without any resistance felt by my tight little hole. At this point Miky started asking me back and forth by pressing down, I felt new sensations of pleasure, I was hooked on those fingers and Goduria that I was arranging, and without me realizing it became three fingers inside. I felt my hole open up and expand, it was all too exciting and if so I would still come within a few minutes.
Suddenly I pulled her fingers and leaned his huge swollen chapel, then it slid into sfinse slightly and then continued a slow push. I felt my ass which gradually widened, I felt a bit of pain but the sensation of pleasure they derived made me concentrate on other things, on that dick that was going to fill it.
When we entered a beautiful half started going back and forth while my ass widened even more, I was enjoying so much, I wanted to break through and when I put it all in. I wanted to have more.
I was enjoying as a pig, I began to scream with pleasure, Miky meanwhile slowed with his thrusts and he took my cock in his hand jerking. I was going to come, I felt the orgasm coming and had the biggest orgasm of my life, I had no doubts when he arrived and gave a very strong and gasps of pleasure sborrai a lot, all on the bed.
Then she pulled his dick from my ass and went to suck my dick all full of cum, then lick the liquid on the blankets over me and kissed me sharing with my nectar fresh.
I grabbed my hands in his huge phallus and began to masturbate, I felt his cock growing hard and tense, was about to come.
"I still drink from the waterfall?" asked me at that moment and I nodded with his head. He put his hand behind his head, I opened my mouth and she pushed me onto his cock. After a few seconds my mouth was flooded with a hot jet of sperm, it was so much that I came out to the sides of his mouth. I started to swallow it all, then I wiped my mouth with one hand and licked at the end we kissed deeply and remained lying on the bed, I was exhausted and felt his ass burning, but I did not care a fig.
Gloriana meanwhile, which had benefited from the show, he pulled out a vibrator from a drawer and came a few moments before his friend.

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